What is a Capability Statement and Why is it Important?

Capability Profile is important for businesses!

If you’re a business owner, you’ve likely heard the term “capability statement” before. But what is it, exactly? And why is it important? In this post, we’ll answer these questions and provide tips for creating an effective Capability Profile. As a business owner, you’re always looking for ways to stand out from the competition and attract more clients. One way to do this is by creating a capability statement. In this post, we’ll explain what a capability statement is and why your business needs one.

What is a Capability Statement?

It is a document that outlines your company’s capabilities, experience, and qualifications. It’s essentially a marketing tool that helps potential clients or customers understand what you can offer and why they should choose your business over others. A Capability Profile is a document that summarizes your company’s capabilities, qualifications, and experience. It’s essentially a marketing tool that helps potential customers or clients understand what your business can offer and why they should choose you over your competitors.

Why Your Business Needs a Capability Statement:

There are several reasons why having a Experience Statement is important, including:

  • Demonstrating your strengths: A well-crafted Experience Statement can help you highlight your company’s unique strengths and capabilities.
  • Standing out from competitors: If a potential client is considering multiple vendors, a strong capability document can help your business stand out from the crowd.
  • Building credibility: A capability Document can provide valuable information about your company’s qualifications and experience, which can help build trust with potential clients.

What to Include in a Capability Profile:

The specific information to include in a capabilities statement will vary depending on your business and industry. However, here are some key elements that most capabilities statements should include:

  • Company overview: This should include a brief summary of your company’s history, mission, and values.
  • Core competencies: These are the skills or services that your business excels at.
  • Past performance: This should include examples of previous work or projects that demonstrate your company’s expertise.
  • Certifications and qualifications: If your business has any relevant certifications or qualifications, be sure to highlight them in your Experience Statement.
  • Contact information: Make it easy for potential clients to get in touch with your business by including your contact information, such as your phone number and email address.

Tips for Creating a Strong Capability Profile:

To make sure your business resume is effective, consider these tips:

  • Keep it concise: Most capabilities statements are only one to two pages long, so make sure to keep your content concise and to the point.
  • Use strong visuals: Incorporating visuals like photos or infographics can help your capability document stand out and be more memorable.
  • Customize it for each potential client: While the basic content of your capability Resume will likely stay the same, consider customizing it for each potential client or customer to make it more relevant to their needs.

Examples of effective capabilities statements:

To get an idea of what a capabilities statement should look like, here are a few examples of capability business Templates:

Common questions or concerns about capabilities statements:

Do small businesses need a capability statement?

Ans: Yes! Competency Statement are useful for businesses of all sizes.
How often should I update my Capability Profile?

Ans: It’s a good idea to review and update your Competency Statement regularly, especially if there have been significant changes to your company.


In conclusion, a capability statement is a powerful marketing tool that can help your business stand out and build credibility with potential clients. By including the right information and following these tips, you can create an effective capabilities statement that helps your business succeed.

Pankaj Pathania

Download your Capability Statement Template : http://capabilitystatementlab.com/ Let us create a unique, original capability statement that is designed around your existing brand and marketing materials.